Nordic Racers is a Cross Country ski club with about 300 members. We are volunteer-driven, and rely solely on the leadership and stewardship of its members to run its various activities. Only our coaches and instructors are paid for their time, and we may contract some administrative tasks on an "as needed basis" such as bookkeeping, technical support or web-development. Here is a list of all positions, and we encourage members to get involved, if they haven't done so already.
Club Executive 2024-25
The strategic direction is provided by the following annually elected Officers and Directors.
Provides Vision and Strategic Direction
Represents the NRSC at associate meetings (e.g. CCBC., AGM.,WOP Strategy Meetings, etc.)
Chairs all Nordic Racers meetings
Vice President
Fills in when President is absent (e.g. chairs NR meetings)
Will take on additional roles such as Zone4 registration
Creates email distribution lists for new and returning members, easily transferred from zone4
Records all minutes
Maintains/updates all files (both hard copy and cloud files)
Tracks membership
Submits all required files to BC Societies in Victoria once annually
Uses Quickbooks to manage club finances
Pays bills and makes deposits
Ensures all transactions are documented and that two club executives have signed for each payment
Monitors/liaises with bookkeeper (contractor)
Provides financial statements as required (e.g. required annual BC Society filing and grant applications)
Director of Communications
Updates all written content for Nordic Racer’s website, using “Squarespace” Platform.
Writes Newsletters through “Mailchimp” (about two per month during the ski season) of upcoming programs and activities, with current distribution lists and Zone4 provided by the Vice-President.
May work with web designer or photographer if/when making design or structural changes to the website.
Time permitting, may research and establish other social media programs suitable for all age demographics
Social Director
On average, there have been six events planned annually that is overseen for public relations purposes
Establishes budget for events and suitable timelines
Books venues, promotes, plans, and implements NR social events with the aid of volunteers
Oversees Club Nights at Cypress and greets new members
Para-Nordic Committee
Is self-managed with its own finances and budget and similar to Club Executive, is run by volunteers. Only certified coaches are paid for their coaching/instructing time.
Para-Nordic Head Coach
prepares the initial calendar of camps, races, etc
Prepares the initial budget which the Committee reviews
Agreed upon budget is then sent to club executive to review and vote on
Para-Nordic Committee
Is comprised of 6-8 volunteers who administer the following functions:
Write grant applications and follow up reports at the end of the year
Recruit new coaches and monitors (and/or mentors) development
Oversees finances which includes: To assist with the Para-Nordic Budget, track all spending, submit receipts and assign to correct account (gaming vs general), and liaises with club treasurer or bookkeeper.
Organizes a recreational “Skiing is Believing” program (recruits coaches & volunteers, contacts service groups to get participants, coordinates rental gear, and liase with venue)
Helps coach plan trips (book hotels, book airfare, etc)
Keeps club members informed of upcoming Para events and how members can volunteer or support Para-Nordic programs, and provide brief articles for club newsletter.
Other Volunteer Positions
The following volunteer positions may attend executive meetings on an "as needed" basis, but do not have voting authority on the strategic direction of the club
Head Coach
Paid for coaching/instructing time only
Recruits and provides direction for coaches teaching at Silverstar, L2L or any other opportunities
Works with club executive on Coaching Development, including organizing training certification courses for new and veteran Ski Instructors/Ski Coaches
Upon approval from executive members, the Head Coach submits winter program schedule to Website Coordinator for input and formatting
Silverstar Coordinator
Organizes Accommodation only which will be pre-booked by the executive
Is not responsible for overseeing carpooling, banquet, or coaching
Trip Coordinator(s)
Researches suitable accommodation on specific trip and reports to executive
Organizes housing and may make recommendations for pot-lucks
Working Groups and “odd Jobs”
Working Groups or may be developed for specific tasks and would be presented to the club, as needed
Photo Courtesy Below: Tony Chin, Volunteers for 2010 Olympics, Cross-Country Events.