
We are an organization of cross country skiers of all abilities and levels. We encourage the enjoyment and growth of cross-country skiing as a lifelong sport. We provide members with opportunities to achieve their goals as recreational skiers, competitive athletes, race officials, coaches and instructors in a safe, fun and social environment. Ski for fun, race to win.


We don’t want to be the biggest cross country ski club. Just the best! We strive to better the sport of cross country skiing by continuing to develop innovative, quality programs that help our members achieve personal excellence in fitness, racing, coaching, instructing and officiating in a cohesive social environment.


Our Club, the Nordic Racers is a registered non-profit society established in 1992, and therefore run by a volunteer executive. We hold an annual general meeting every summer where all members are encouraged to attend with their ideas, run for the volunteer executive positions, and enjoy some free food and beverages. For more information on the Society Act, see in the “Our policies” section of this website. The Executive Team operates in accordance with the club’s constitution.



2024-25 Executive

Elected Executive Members for this term:

Visit VOLUNTEER WITH US for a description of all volunteer roles and opportunities